
Money Wound Medicine™️


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Together we rise! Bring all your desires to fruition with the most incredible sisters by your side. Includes private calls and group coaching.

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Fruition Council

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Ready to go deep, quickly? One on one mentorship includes private calls and private text/voice support.


Private Coaching

 close-proximity coaching

Diagnose and permanently heal your money wounds using a unique healing modality to receive more money and multiply your wealth.

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Money Wound Medicine®

Get into my head and heart as I share pure transmissions from behind-the-scenes of running multiple six and seven figure businesses.

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Soul Mission

Discover the secret method used by thousands of spiritual women to build lasting wealth and a magical bank account that grows & grows.

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Ultimate Dream Bank
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2023 Year In Review

“It’s never too late to do these things.” While it’s already the 3rd week of January and lots of people have already listed 20 items on their new year’s resolutions… Know that it’s never too late for you to do this today, tomorrow, or next month.

In this week’s episode, come sit with me as we go through my 2023 review. I’ll share with you every great memory and lesson I’ll take with me into the new year. This will be a raw, “real” real, nitty-gritty 2023 highlight.

Some of my 2023 highlights:

  • Went viral on TIkTok
  • Opened Fruition
  • Got hair extensions for the first time
  • My husband wrote a reallyyy good screenplay
  • Went to Egypt – amazing trip!
  • Did a lot of full moon yoga
  • Became a top 3% global podcast!!!
  • Had a lot of passive sales in December
  • Saw Abraham Hicks for the first time
  • And sooo much more

Let me be the first to tell you… my 2023 was a really good frickin’ year. And while there were months where I struggled and had to be in efficient-not-so-fun-task-manager mode… I can still confidently announce that 2023 was a year worth remembering.

A lot of people take plenty of time writing down what they want to change in the new year but I think there is so much power in looking back at the past year.

This new year practice of mine took me back to a version of myself who’s experienced different things for the first time.

Whether they be good, exciting, or straight-up depressing, I know that looking back at my 2023, before starting the new year, will always center me into the person I know I’m becoming.

In last week’s episode, I shared different New Year Rituals & Reflections To Set You Up for Success.

And it is a WILD episode! So 👏 much 👏 value 👏.

One thing I didn’t mention there is how, at the end of each year, I’m writing a letter to my future self. I love, love doing this because it’s like I’m manifesting the Em I want to become.

Or the Em I know I’m becoming.

And after one year, when I read the letter, it’ll hit me how much growth has taken place. That’s when I start looking back at the past year and all the goodness and lessons I want to take with me to the new year.

Grab your favorite drink, get to your favorite spot on the couch, and let’s go over my 2023 In Review.

It might even get you in the mood to do your full-on year-end review 😉



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