
Money Wound Medicine™️


Wealthy Soulpreneur Society


Wealthy and Woo Club

In-Person Events



Fruition Council


Private Coaching


A divine council of ambitious, soul-led leaders

FRUITION is a new paradigm sistermind where we stand for building our fempires in the energy of fun, play, support, magic, miracles, and being unrealistic & unreasonable about what we can accomplish.

This intimate business mastermind and coaching container is filled with high-achieving female soulpreneurs who are ready to walk the joyous path to millions, together.

ready to walk the joyous path to millions?

- Lauren W. (7-figure agency owner)

“I was at a point in my life where I needed a coach who would balance my Professional, Personal, and Spiritual Life to help all three work harmoniously instead of against each other. Emily is exactly that. I've quantum leaped inside the Fruition Council.”

finding the perfect balance

There is nothing like this: 

● plug into high level conversations about building wealth and scaling businesses
● get full, behind-the-scenes access to 7-figure business owners
● receive hands-on strategy and support for your offers, messaging, and more
● receive customized coaching from a mentor who really knows you, your dreams, and your business
● experience quantum leaps, wealth up-levels, and meet your inner millionairess

the experience...

who you are...

● you've normalized six-figure income and are ready for 7-figures 
● you love taking aligned action to build your fempire
● you value connection and networking with other successful women in business
● you love strategy & energetics & know it takes both to align to 7-figures and beyond
● you're willing to invest to get results faster

Rochelle S.

Emily helped me completely pivot away from a product based business that I didn’t feel aligned with anymore (and I was able to sell!) into a serviced based business I absolutely love. My new business immediately brought in enough money for me to fully support my family WHILE we moved to our dream home in paradise.

Even more importantly, Emily and the women in the mastermind helped me navigate so much inner healing. Learning to forgive myself and begin accessing self love in a way I never imagined.

I'm living the life of my dreams

* Fruition is a safe space for women from all walks of life & all backgrounds. We celebrate diversity and acknowledge the extra challenges that can come from oppressed lineages and childhood traumas. You'll be seen and met in your power, and your origin story will be honored.

you may not be a fit if...

If you're new to the entrepreneurial journey and you deeply desire a playbook, step-by-step instructions, or hand holding...this space will not be a good fit for you.

If you're easily triggered by other women, see them as competition, or have a hard time watching them succeed, this space will feel very challenging for you and likely isn't the right fit at this time.

You know in your bones that you're meant for wealth

You're a female entrepreneur who has normalized six figures and is ready for 7+

You love taking aligned action to grow your business

You value strategy & energetics

You have (or are willing to create) offers in your business that can scale to 7 figures and beyond

you're a great fit if...

Do you desire more in your business, and - although you could go it alone because you're a high achieving, get-shit-done, ambitious baddie - your intuition is guiding you to plug into a container so that you can feel held, supported, and enjoy a relaxed nervous system as you grow & expand?

Well then, you're in the right place.

Are We A Match?

Sally M.

Emily’s wisdom, insight, and impact on me as an entrepreneur and on our business were powerful. She has real world experience, lived strategies that resulted in multiple success stories with her own brands, and has had impact on many other businesses to help them grow exponentially.

Specifically, she has helped me map out a growth strategy for my business and personal lifestyle, has helped me double my revenue, manage staffing, operational and marketing challenges, and maintain an authentic balance in my life and for my team. My team just got six new clients in the past 6 weeks, much in part, thanks to Emily’s coaching and advice.

Emily has helped me Double my Revenue

Healing, growth, strategy, sacred sisterhood, and custom coaching through your biggest questions.

This happens through:

● Regular 1:1 calls (frequency varies based on tier)
● Monthly 1:1 voice/text chat day
● Unlimited group voice/text chat
● Twice monthly sistermind calls

Every Tier Includes:

*These levels unlock extra bonuses (like more 1:1, gifts, etc)






Monthly Investment






Monthly Income

your monthly investment is based on your monthly income:

This part is actually super exciting! I've developed a creative model that allows for expansion, activation, AND nervous system regulation.

The investment is on a sliding scale that adjusts based on the revenue that flows to you each month. We get to grow together 👯‍♀️

Investment: Bring your Dreams to Fruition


Spaces in the council are highly limited because many women continue year after year - and the council is kept to an intimate size that facilitates excellent business coaching. Admission to the council is done through an application process to ensure that it's a great fit. Click below to get started.

let's do this

Soak it up!

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