A fast track to both personal and biz growth. Come heal, play, and strategize.
In-Person Events
Together we rise! Bring all your desires to fruition with the most incredible sisters.
Fruition Council
Go deep with private, personalized support.
Private Coaching
Personalized, close-proximity coaching
Diagnose and permanently heal your money wounds.
Money Wound
Coaching, content and community to help you align with your soul mission.
Soul Mission
Private Podcast
Build lasting wealth and a magical bank account that grows & grows.
The Ultimate Dream Bank Account Bundle
At-your-own-pace programs and communities
I had two young kiddos and two young businesses. I thought if I worked harder, nailed the right strategies, and pushed myself to hit my goals as quickly as possible – that it would all pay off in the end.
But when I hit the long awaited goal of receiving $100k cash in a single month and felt anxious & unsettled, it was the first time I truly realized that no outer goal could change my inner environment.
So I dove deep into the inner work – reparenting my inner child, diagnosing and healing my money wounds, and breaking my patterns of hustle & delayed gratification.
Since then, I’ve had back to back million dollar years and I’m truly walking the joyous path to millions.
Once my life and business (the inner & outer) felt aligned and in-flow, I felt the intuitive nudge to start sharing what I’d learned. I was no stranger to coaching - having invested over $50k to be in various masterminds, retreats, and 1:1 containers over the years – but I never considered becoming a coach myself.
Nevertheless, I followed my inner guidance.
Spirit showed up to co-create and podcasts, programs, masterminds & more began pouring through me. Dream clients were delivered to my door (thank Goddess!) My life is full of more joy and fulfillment than I ever could have imagined.
The best part? I’m aligned with my soul mission and making a profound impact (a dream come true!)
I created my memberships so I could help reach even more women at any phase of business, and there's so much more to come!
twenty twenty-three
I started my coaching business and pulled in $1.56m in cash between the three businesses while raising my kids, working 20 hours a week and helping 100's of women heal.
twenty twenty-one
As I did the inner work, our businesses became healthier than ever and my intuition began pulling me toward a big change.
twenty twenty
As our businesses and family grew we began investing in masculine-style strategy experts, and it all but broke our business.
At the same time, I started being called to do the work - inner child work, shadow work, mindset work...
twenty nineteen
After having my second baby, I finally quit corporate and we started a second business - our Amazon agency.
twenty eighteen
We grew our baby clothing business to over half a million while I was still working my corporate career.
twenty seventeen
I had my first baby AND started my first business, a baby clothing co.
twenty fifteen
from hustle to healed
Sally M.
My work with Emily has literally transformed me -- as a CEO, as an entrepreneur, but most importantly as a woman. I uncovered the areas in my personal life that need to be set free so that I can accomplish all of my business goals.
Our Work has Transformed me
My first job out of college was training Arabian horses
I'm taller in real life than you probably think I am
I have two amazing kiddos, 8 and 5
I've been happily married for 13+ years
I'm an Enneagram 3 and a Manifesting Generator
Learn more
Retreats are a fast track to both personal and business growth. Come heal, play, and strategize with incredible women, in luxury!
In-Person Events
Together we rise! Bring all your desires to fruition with the most incredible sisters by your side. Includes private calls and group coaching.
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Fruition Council
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Ready to go deep, quickly? One on one mentorship includes private calls and private text/voice support.
Private Coaching
close-proximity coaching
Diagnose and permanently heal your money wounds using a unique healing modality to receive more money and multiply your wealth.
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Money Wound
Get into my head and heart as I share pure transmissions from behind-the-scenes of running multiple six and seven figure businesses.
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Soul Mission
Private Podcast
Discover the secret method used by thousands of spiritual women to build lasting wealth and a magical bank account that grows & grows.
Learn more
Ultimate Dream Bank
Account Bundle
Take the Quiz
and find out what is holding you back from more money
The First Step to Healing is Awareness