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Make Your Money Work For Good with Janine Firpo

We normally think investing our money is just for the sole purpose of making more without us doing much. But with how everything is progressing… There are TONS more opportunities for our money to do more than just give us another passive income source.

In this week’s episode, I’m joined by the lovely Janine Firpo as we talk about how you can make your money work for the greater good. She’s sharing insights on what you need to check when investing to make sure financial institutions are using your money to make the lives of those around you better.

The heart inside this episode:

  • The idea of impact investing and how to be a social entrepreneur
  • What it’s like for women in the 80s to work in tech
  • What it took for women to be where we are at in terms of money
  • Why women investors ACTUALLY do better
  • How you can invest your money in causes that align with your mission and values
  • Changing our mindset around receiving more money and taking charge of it

Top takeaways from Em:

  1. Recognizing the history of women with money

We’ve come a long way as women handling our own money. From needing a male signatory to open a bank account to creating our businesses doing what we love. This is a milestone that most young women don’t know today and it’s beautiful for us to look back on what it was like for women before.

Looking back at how far we’ve come in terms of money talk… We can be more grateful for the opportunities handed to us by those who came before. This also allows us to lead more changes for future generations.

  1. Being grateful for the opportunities that we do have today and asking how we can make them better

Speaking of leading changes for the future generation of wonderful women (and men). The first step is asking “How?” What do we have to do to make things better… Not just for us, but for the people around us.

There is so much that we can do to make a positive impact on the world… But sometimes, it requires too much time and effort. You’re already running a business and possibly taking care of a family too… Having enough time to be part of a change you want to see sometimes isn’t just as feasible as it seems.

What we’re talking about here with Janine is how you get to do this (be part of something good) by simply investing your money in the right institution.

  1. Women are going to control $3T in the next 6 years

This one blew my mind. I never knew how much money is in the hands of women today and the number is projected to go up. The only question I have about this is… Do we have the right mindset to handle this much money? Do we feel worthy enough to take charge of the thing that can hold so much influence?

Women often think we’re not capable of handling financial power because we were conditioned that way. But things are changing and women who have their mindsets ready are leading the way. It’s time for more of us to be ready to receive wealth and take charge of our finances.

If you haven’t already, I highly recommend you check Money Wound Medicine. This is a unique program I created for women who are struggling with their relationship with money. It includes a 3-step way of gently diagnosing money wounds blocking wealth and permanently healing them.

  1. Women investors ACTUALLY do better

If you’re looking for a sign to invest (and you actually feel ready to receive the return), this is it. The data shows that women are better at investing and it’s high time for you to try your hand at making money work for you.

Not to mention, options are now available for you to invest your money in financial institutions that actually care about the world.

  1. How can my money make money for me AND do good at the same time?

This question opened my mind to a LOT more possibilities. I realized I’ve had a LOT of questions I haven’t been asking myself. Which financial institutions are actually doing good with my money? What is my bank doing with my money? And how can I be sure that my invested money is doing good work for the world?

I’m inviting you to join me in asking these questions. With more and more women leading change… There are a ton more opportunities for us to be sure that our money is doing good work. Janine is just one of those amazing women and I’m sure if we dig deep enough, we can find more people like her out there.



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