In this video, I am going to share with you what the core money wounds are. and how to identify them. I’m going to give you specifics of exactly what to do and we’ll go even further with how you can start healing these core money wounds to start receiving more wealth
There are six core money wounds. That’s right. Six. How do I know this isn’t something that I made up? My name is Emily June Wilcox. I’m a wealth and business coach, and I am the creator of of this whole money wound methodology and money wound healing protocol. I have studied and collected data on more than 10, 000 individuals and determined that there are six core money wounds. Here they are.
Number one, the money shame wound. I’m not worthy of wealth.
Number two, the evil money wound. Being rich is bad or wrong.
Number three, the hard money wound. Making money is hard.
Number four, the money trust wound. I don’t trust myself with money.
Number five, the safe money wound. I’m not safe until I have a lot of money.
And number six, the disappearing money wound. I don’t trust money. Money is always leaving me.
So again, I’ve collected tons of data. I’ve literally written the book on this topic. The book is called Wounds to Wealth: The Life Changing Method of Diagnosing and Healing Your Money Wounds to Receive More Wealth.
Now, in my research, 74 percent of individuals will have three or four of these six core money wounds. So you’re going to have some that are a little stronger, some that resonate, don’t resonate quite as much, but they interplay with each other.
Now you’re wondering, how do I identify them? So simple. It’s simple. We’ll put this in the link below or the notes below as well. You’re going to go to When you go to, you’re going to be asked six simple questions. It only takes a few minutes and you get the answer. Results right away instantaneously. It tells you what your top money wound is, and also which other money wounds you score on as well. From there, there are some free healing resources that you can dive into. If you know for sure this is your thing, then there’s also a paid program called Money Wound Medicine that takes you through the full healing protocol.
But here’s the thing, sometimes people come to me and they say, Emily, I have all six. What they’re saying without really saying it is like, I’m really messed up. I’m really broken. I’ve really got a ton of money problems. Here’s what I need you to know. Everyone’s seen a river before that has a dam. Right? And when you do that, there’s all of this water that’s meant to be rushing, and all of a sudden it gets stopped. It gets stopped at the dam, but it’s got lots of energy because it’s water that’s meant to be moving. And so the dam can actually harness that energy and turn it into electricity. And so, if I were to ask you, what has more energy potential, one river that’s dammed up or four rivers that are all dammed up?
I know, and you know, that four rivers that are dammed have more potential energy than just the one. And What happens with money wounds is that you’ve got all of this money that wants to come to you. And by the way, if there are signs of wealth around you, if you are noticing people in your circle that are popping off, that are getting their house, that are getting the car, if you’re starting to like see your dream car all the time, This is like evidence that there’s money around you that wants to come to you and it’s being actively blocked and repelled by the money wound.
As you heal each money wound, you’re opening up a channel for new wealth to flow to you. Of course, if you’ve got more money wounds that are blocking wealth, you actually have more built up wealth potential inside of you that’s just waiting to be healed and released so that it can be alchemized into new channels of wealth.
And that’s exactly what I do with students inside of the Money Wound Medicine program. And it’s exactly the content that I lead readers through when they read the Wounds to Wealth book. Again, there are six core money wounds that can block you from wealth. And now you know exactly what they are and how to identify them.
Thank you so much for tuning in!
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