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Hearing stories of how people went from being the most non-ideal versions of themselves to transforming into the best person they could ever be is a beautiful thing. But the harsh truth is… These wonderful life transformations aren’t linear. There will be stages where we will feel like we’re taking steps back… Falling face down into the dirt. And that’s okay.
When we are challenged, losing, or grieving… It’s so hard to see past our emotions and realize how these predicaments are shaping us. But if you think about it… you’ve survived 100% of your worst days so far and they have brought you lessons, skills, and growth. And with that, I’d love to share with you takeaways from a lovely chat I had with a real-life bestie who pushed through challenging times of her life to come out as the creator of one of the best networks of amazing women in the country.
Life lessons Shelby St Clair got from pushing through difficult times:
Top Takeaways from Em:
When things don’t go our way, we tend to try and fix them immediately. We think that keeping up with the chaos will only make things worse… But in reality, they’re meant to teach us a lesson. They’re meant to shape us to be better.
I know this is easier said than done… But the next time you’re faced with a difficult situation (or are going through one right now), try to SURRENDER to what is. Don’t try to fight what is happening… Instead, look for the lesson hidden in these challenging times.
Difficult times bring powerful emotions. And they make it hard for us to see that whenever we’ve gone past the chaos… We come out a different person. So really, nothing is wasted when we go through tough times.
Great things also come from the most challenging times… Whether it be a lesson, a set of skills, or a nudge towards the right direction. Nature even has proof of this. Diamonds are created by being under pressure for a very long time.
The world we live in is beautiful and problematic at the same time… The worst we could do is sit by the sidelines and watch someone else create the change we want to see happen. If you don’t like the way most things are happening or if you’re seeing a common problem in the industry you’re a part of.
Be that change. Be the solution and rally a group of people who are aligned with your mission. You will be surprised at how many are willing to support your fire to make things better through your unique way.
Listen. Listen. Listen. The more we look deep into ourselves… The better we know who we are. There is so much POWER and BEAUTY in following what feels good and trusting in the process of pursuing a thing that comes from the heart.
It will be difficult… especially when taking the first few steps. But when you feel that a decision is good and feels right… Follow it through. Amazing things happen from knowing when to walk away from situations, people, and careers that no longer serve you.
Seriously! Who made the rule that things have to be perfect before we take that first step? Who said all the lights should go green before we decide enough is enough? Let loose and take messy actions. Take messy actions when you’re scared. Even when you’re tired and feel like you’ll only make things worse.
Allow yourself to be in constant motion and be in momentum… But at the same time, know that it doesn’t have to feel perfect before you start. It will NOT. Think about it… messy action changes the world and makes up the most interesting life stories and transformations we know today.
Work with Emily June:
Website: https://explore.emilywilcox.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/emilyjwilcox1/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/em.makes.money/
Free Money Wounds Quiz: https://www.emilywilcox.com/quiz
Send a DM to inquire about open coaching & masterminds or go to: https://explore.emilywilcox.com/
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