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We’re on a Soul Mission 🚀

If you’ve been around a while, you know how I love masterminds and mentorship experiences. Not only because they provide me with tips, and hacks, or help me see things through a different lens… But mostly because these experiences TRANSFORM the way I make decisions. Working with the right mentor gives me a deeper understanding of their thought process. And that is where the real value lies.

This is what I think a lot of people miss when working with a mentor… They look at mentors as people who will hold their hand and take them to their desired destination. While true… The ROI from working with a mentor is getting that deeper understanding of their headspace. And I want this deeper connection with my audience so I created Soul Mission.

What is Soul Mission and who is it for?

  • Soul Mission is my way of connecting deeper with my audience
  • A private podcast where I record candid moments when brilliant ideas strike
  • A channel for people who want my headspace on-demand for them to use and adapt
  • The perfect podcast for people who are still on the fence about working 1-on-1 with me but want more of my insights about money, business, and mindset
  • Most importantly… This is me answering the pull from the Universe to help more people create meaningful transformations

I’m super excited to be sharing with you a new project that I’ve been working on… This is something I know will bring sooo much value to listeners of my podcast – The Joyous Path to Millions. I wanted to look at this as a means for us to create more meaningful transformations in our community of powerful women entrepreneurs.

This stems from my love of working with mentors and being part of mastermind groups. I think most people get the wrong impression of why these learning experiences are expensive. To me, working with a mentor (or a group of mentors) is an investment… And the ROI is not exclusive to the hacks and formulas you get from them. It’s mostly from the internal TRANSFORMATION I get.

Working with the right mentor is like having both the shortcut to your goal (because they’ve already done it)… But ALSO, it’s the missing puzzle piece in making better decisions. You won’t consciously feel it happening… But having that deeper understanding of their thought process changes you.

That is where the real value lies… When we work with the right mentor, we see beyond the choreographed content they put out to be perfect. We connect deeper with them and get a better understanding of their thought process.

I want the same experience for the audience of the podcast… But not locked behind a large paywall. I planned this to be as accessible to anyone looking to get more from me… And really see more changes in their lives.

Because this is our Soul Mission – to create more meaningful transformations.

I love to invite you over to listen to the first episode. This is a project that I am hoping will bring the value that I intended it to deliver. More than a private podcast, I want it to be our way of connecting deeper with each other… A channel where I share with you beautiful, candid moments that rarely happen when I’m at my desk recording.

And I am putting the intention out to the Universe that by sharing these moments with you… I get to help you understand my thought process… So you can adapt some of them to make better money decisions and even better business decisions.

I look forward to seeing you inside Soul Mission.



Work with Emily June:




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