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My Book is Here 👏📚💃

We are meant to do great things… Both by ourselves and together. If you’re feeling a nudge from your Higher Self to do the thing that feels right for you, listen to it. Follow your Soul Mission and create it despite feeling doubt or fear. If you’re confident that it’s a resounding YES for your soul, make it happen and you’ll be surprised at how people will receive it.

This is me speaking from experience. Last September 24, I officially launched MY FIRST BOOK – Wounds to Wealth. And I couldn’t be more grateful to everyone who supported this project. I’ve known from the beginning of this journey that it’s right… And every single time I sit down to write the book… I had this community’s mission in mind… To get more money into the hands of people all over the globe. And now it’s here!

Why I encourage you to take on that journey that you know is RIGHT for you:

  • You have a part of you that the world needs right now
  • There is no SHAME in putting out a creation that you know will help others change their lives
  • You’re leading a positive change you might not even know is happening because of your work
  • It will be different from others who’ve also done something similar because it’s YOURS
  • The journey of creating will be filled with many celebrations and lessons

Before anything else… I just want to announce that my book is still available for purchase HERE. I’m encouraging everyone to grab a copy of it or to share it with someone who’s also into money and mindset transformations. There’s so much value inside Wounds to Wealth that it’s becoming a MOVEMENT for our community. And I’m grateful to everyone supporting this mission.

One valuable lesson I got from this journey is knowing that effort is NEVER wasted when you know that you’re doing what feels right for you… Every step you’ll take towards seeing the project come to fruition (although tiring sometimes) will always feel worth the hours. And excitement will start to kick in once you know it’s almost ready for you to share with the world.

You will feel fear and doubt along the way… Asking yourself questions like “What if this won’t be well-received?” or “What if nobody will find it worth sharing?” That’s normal. You are, after all, sharing a genuine piece of who you are as a human.

But know this as well…

Not everyone will have the courage to share a piece of themselves with the world. You taking that mountain of a step is already a feat WORTH CELEBRATING.

You are listening to your Higher Self and you’re letting her know that you’re here to create something from the heart… A thing that you know will bring transformations to the lives of others.

And I’m sure anyone who will see that will be more than grateful for your effort. It won’t be immediate, but think about it for a second… What if a few months later, someone you might not even know comes to you thanking you for writing that book or for creating that course… You’ve changed their lives without you even knowing it. Isn’t that beautiful?

So if you know you’re getting a nudge from the Universe to create the thing that feels right for you… Listen to it. Do it… Do it scared. Do it with doubts. And take courage in knowing you’re creating something so beautiful that it will support your soul mission and will bring transformations.



Work with Emily June:




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